Hello, our laboratory has 3 project ideas, each with its specificities (techniques, different, …), that we would like to develop and conduct in a short future.
For these projects, we are looking for 3 motivated and ambitious postdoc who would like to apply to the Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship (deadline: September 2021). We will of course help the candidate to write the application as we have already preliminary data that can be used to support the application. If granted, the funding will provide salary to the applicant for two years at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Ås, Norway) in the Veterinary Faculty.
Our three projects are:
- Study of cell membrane plasticity in pituitary endocrine cells of the teleost model medaka
- Study of the developmental plasticity of pituitary stem cells using an interdisciplinary approach
- Study of the impact of human activity on the light signal integration pathway regulating the reproductive function in teleosts
If you are interested and would like to know more about it, please contact Dr Fontaine: romain.fontaine@nmbu.no