Following a publication made by our University, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, about our work on the effect of light pollution on fish in Oslo fjord and Akerselva (the river in Oslo), several medias have published an article on their websites.
This week, NMBU a published an article on our work and findings on its website that can be found here. We revealed that we found unexpected high levels of light pollution in Oslo areas. During nighttime, we could detect light in some place, up to 5 meters underwater! In other places, the intensity of light in the water was as high as it can be found in walking areas in the street under streetlights!
Also, experiments performed in the laboratory on a model fish, the japanese ricefish, demonstrate that light pollution affect fish reproduction., news about technology and Norwegian technology companies has published an article that can be found here.

Nationen , a Norwegian daily newspaper with a particular focus on agriculture and rural districts has also published an article which can be found here. (science and research) is an Oslo-based online newspaper established by the Research Council of Norway . It publishes news about science and research from Norway and abroad. It has aslo published an article on our work this week that can be found here.